Tuesday, May 22, 2012

let's make a deal.

Depending on how well you know me, you may or may not know about the little deal I have had cooking with sweet Jude baby since I found out his due date. In short, Jude's due date is June 23. And, my last day of class this year is June 22. You heard me correctly, but I'll say it again - wonderful little Jude Aaron Venable is scheduled to arrive the day after my last day of school.

I would use this time to brag about how meticulously and perfectly John and I obviously planned out this pregnancy, but that would be a lie. We didn't really plan at all. Which is why it ended up working out so perfectly....we didn't plan; we just trusted God. And, let me tell you, when you trust Him, you learn His plans ARE perfect and He is right on time! I really love telling people about the "his-due-date-is-the-day-after-my-last-day-of-school" phenomenon because I think it is so totally cool that the timing is THAT perfect. I mean, perfect - to the day.

So, obviously, I think I am going to be in the 4-5% of women that have their baby on their exact due date. I really do. Take a test June 22. Have a baby June 23. Piece of cake.

Jude and I have been talking about this and I am pretty sure we have made a deal. By my interpretation of the high-fives and kicks, I'm fairly confident he is saying (in his sweet little baby voice), "i'm totally in, mom. the deal is sealed."

So, here is to finishing my third year of medical school. And having a baby. Right on time.

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