Saturday, May 19, 2012

ready, set, go.

I am starting a blog. Again.

For the 483029403th time. But, I'm for real this time about it. Yes, I'm going to actually keep up with it. Because this time, I have several valid reasons as to why I want this blog to stay updated. And here they are:

1. JUDE AARON VENABLE. I am beyond over-the-top ecstatic about you, little man! As I write this, I am 4 weeks and 6 days away from your due date (June 23, 2012)...and that is totally crazy. But, you, little one, are without a doubt the NUMBER ONE reason why I want to do this blog. I want to remember every single second of life with you, so I am going to write it down on here. Not to mention, I plan on taking 3840934892843989048 pictures of you EVERY SINGLE DAY because you are most definitely going to be the cutest baby ever to be born of all time, so, naturally, I will need a place to put these pictures so all of the world can share in staring at the cutest baby ever to be born.

I really do love you already.

2. JOHN AARON VENABLE. I am also beyond over-the-top ecstatic about you! And, you said that you think I'm funny (what, what!) which makes me feel like a super cool wife. Also, you said you would read my blog if I wrote one, so here you go. This one's for you, babe.

3. I am graduating medical school this year. So, I'll have lots of stuff to write about...mainly, the JOY of graduating medical school. FINALLY.

Indeed I am blessed. So incredibly blessed. And, I want to rejoice in my blessings, in this abundant life that God has so graciously given me. To Him be all the glory. Thank you, Jesus, that I have reasons to rejoice!

And reasons to blog.

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