Tuesday, May 29, 2012

so, i can't wear my shoes anymore. no biggie.

36 weeks, 4 days.

I can't believe I have come this far. We are literally only days away from meeting our perfect little Jude baby. And, I can't wait. But not because I am super sick and tired of being pregnant. That's not the case at all. Because, for me, this whole pregnancy thing has been pretty easy schmeasy. {Knock on wood.} I don't want to jinx myself at this point, but I think it's only fair I celebrate the wonderful pregnancy I have had. Give credit where credit is due, right?

Because I was terrified.

I hate throwing up.  Even more than I hate frogs. And, if you know me, you know how big of a statement that is. (Alright, alright...I don't hate it more than I hate frogs. I hate frogs more than anything...but I said it to make a point).

I hate feeling nauseous.

I hate having back aches.

I am scared to the deepest part of my inmost being of contractions.

I've never had reflux before pregnancy and the thought of anything called "heart burn" makes me a wee bit uneasy.

I am always annoyed with having to tinkle. Much less do it every hour on the hour. And, what? WAKE UP DURING MY PRECIOUS SLEEP TIME just to tee tee? I don't think so.

What girl gets excited about gaining weight and having to wear pants with an elastic waistband? (So, maybe I got a little excited about this - eat that bowl of ice cream without feeling guilty? Yes please. Wear those super comfy pants and still be considered trendy? I'll take it.)

One word: pimples.

So, with much reason, I was terrified of the whole pregnancy thing...and of all the bodily changes that came with it. But...

I haven't thrown up once.

No queasy, nauseated girl over here.

No Braxton-Hicks contractions. Yet. I know this is coming...but, I'm still doing the happy dance that I haven't felt any sort of contraction type pain.

I did have one week, ONE WEEK, of reflux so bad that I couldn't sleep lying down. But it literally only lasted for one week. And, it really did feel like my heart was burning which is totally crazy. It was pretty miserable, and I have a whole new empathy for chronic reflux sufferers, but hallelujah! it's been gone for over a month now, never to return.

Okay, so I tinkle a lot. But, I ain't complaining on account of the three previous paragraphs. I can handle some waste excretion.

The weight gain hasn't been horrible. I'm still below my magical number (by only 2 pounds...but still...). And, the pants are for real comfy. Besides, I've never been told how cute I am more times in my entire life than I have the past 8 months. Music to my ears: 'you're all belly.'

And, yes, I have more pimples. Mainly on the back. A few on the face. But, mainly on the back, so I can cover them up and forget about 'em. Which makes me feel better.

So, when my husband bought me TWO PAIRS of perfectly, adorably cute new summer sandals for our anniversary and I couldn't wear them because of my thankles (thighs-legs-ankles), did I get upset? No. When I had to basically cut my boots off because my feet had swollen so much during the course of the day that I ripped the inner lining when trying to pull them off, did I even complain? No. So, I have some swollen little piggies. Who cares? I'll wear socks and really ugly flats. And be completely happy about it because this pregnancy has been wonderful.  I can even still wear all of my rings...on the proper fingers.

No way, no way, no way...I will not complain at all about this pregnancy. I am so beyond incredibly grateful for it. Grateful for what it means. Grateful for the blessing that it is. And, grateful that I was one of the lucky ones.

3 weeks, 3 days. ooohhhhmmmyyyy.


  1. Hehe, I love reading about your pregnancy! (I am John's cousin by the way. I don't think we have ever actually met!) I miss being pregnant so much! Having the baby is awesome and so totally worth any discomfort from pregnancy and birth. So excited for you too!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Justine! And, I definitely know who you are! I've seen pictures...and I think I may have met you once at the mall or something random....I can't really remember! :) Anyway, I've read your blog a few times as well...I always enjoy it! Hope you and your new little family are doing great!

  2. Tara- so funny that you posted on Ticer's birthday- he's 20! Time flies, and moments of heartburn, nausea, swollen ankles, stretch marks (okay, those are unfortunately NOT momentary), and even hours of contractions, are forgotten when the doctor says "it's a boy and he has dimples!" Praying for you and John! So excited for you both!
