Friday, June 15, 2012

m. i. a.

My sweet husband informed me today at lunch that I hadn't blogged in a while. What can I say? The man speaks truth. Always. Even when he doesn't mean to. Yep. My man is the incredibly cute, irresistably charming, completely innocent fella that absent-mindedly sticks his foot in his mouth. A lot. Kind of like the time he, without thinking, might have mentioned that my arms may or may not have gained some weight in them during this pregnancy. Or that time he, 100% innocently, informed me that I was looking in the small section when I should obviously be browsing around in the mediums. BLESS. HIS. HEART. He really is the sweetest, most encouraging man I know, but boy, does he speak truth. It is impossible to get mad at him when he innocently lets truth escape from his mouth without running it through his brain first though. Before I have time to get mad, he smiles his sheepish smile, looks down, and then laughs at himself because he can tell by the look on MY face that what he said really didn't have to be verbalized. I am aware of my arm growth, sweetie. But, thanks.

Anyway, he's right. I have been M.I.A. I am completely aware of that. And, I BLAME SCHOOL. And a really horrible tooth-ache that I've had for the past 2 weeks. FOR REAL. TEETH CAN HURT. I have never had a tooth-ache before my new little friend came to visit two weeks ago, so I had no clue something could hurt this bad. I am NOT kidding when I say that if I go into labor with this toothache, I ABSOLUTELY WILL request that they put the epidural in my tooth. I'm being totally honest about that. It is pretty miserable. But, I am working through it.

In baby news, little man wants to hang around in the ole uterus for a while. According to the doctor, I am not progressing at all. I knew little Jude man would let me finish school. (Though I must admit, I have sort of changed my mind about that. I am SO SICK of school that I would gladly let the arrival of little Jude be my way out. But, he is a man who keeps his word, and he really meant it when he made that pact with me a while back. No going back on that deal, huh, little guy? I like that about you.) Anyway, it seems that I will likely go BEYOND June 23. UGH. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but there is some comfort in knowing that I will finish school and maybe even have a few days to get my house baby-ready (umm...I know it should ALREADY be baby-ready, but give me a break, people. I'm tired and trying to finish school. and I have a tooth-ache.)

So, that's why I have been M.I.A.

And because I love a little self-motivation (cue: eye of the tiger, arms fist-pumping in the air):

Tooth-ache, you can't stop me. You can maybe make me cry on occasion, but you can't stop me.

Medical school, you can't steal my joy. You can keep me up late at night. You can make me crazy. You can even make me get a little stressed at times. But I will own you. And, I will finish with you in just 8 short days.

Honest husband, you can keep sticking that foot in your mouth. It keeps me grounded. And, I love you for it. Because even when you accidentally tell me that my arms might look a little bigger these days, you always follow it up with really mushy-gushy-beautiful-cheesy words of affirmation that never get old. And that aren't accidental.

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