Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I usually have something in mind to write about when I start a new post. But, not today. No ideas. No funny stories. I just wanted to take a study break, and writing a blog post seemed like a good reason to take one. So, viola! Here I am.

And I guess that means that I'll just fill this blank slate with a few of the random thoughts that have run through my mind tonight.

1. It is impossible to study. And, I should be exempt from studying on account that I am about to have a baby, and that ALONE should be taking up all my brain space. However, I have my final board exam of third year this Friday. Despite that stark reality, though, I have zero motivation to study for it. And, by zero, I mean NONE. As in, I have about as much motivation to study for this test as I have to drop a bowling ball on my big toe. It ain't happening, people.

2. I really love my husband. Truly. I am giddy about him. And I hope for every girl in the world that she gets to marry someone like my husband. So she can know what it is like to be made to feel beautiful, important, funny, intriguing, attractive, special, adored, and pursed EVERY SINGLE DAY. He is the MAN of all men. Being married to him is my favorite thing.

[I'll stop there before I get overly mushy. I'm really not overly mushy. But, I do love that guy.]

3. Why is TV so bad? I have slowly weeded out all of my used-to-be-favorite-TV-shows because they all are the opposite of edifying, glorifying, and uplifting to my God. So, they are done-zo. Except for HGTV. This girl is thankful for some Home and Garden Television. Pure, innocent fun right there.

4. Arkansas is currently beating S. Caroline in the CWS. Wooo Pig Soooie. I have a feeling we may go all the way.


So, I really don't have that many random thoughts, I guess. My brain feels....umm....fuzzy. dead. fried. turned off. Because all I really have room in there for is thoughts of Jude, food, and school. And all I really can say about those three things right now is...

...Jude is almost here and I can't believe it. I can't wait to see what his face looks like! I think about it all. the. time.

...I'm hungry [always]. So I just texted my perfect husband to grab me a Mickey D's HAPPY meal (it really will make me happy) on his way home from his softball game tonight. Hope they won.

...School is over-rated. I'm pretty sure I've checked out for the year. Oh well.

Eeek! Just heard the garage door open! It is by far one of my most favorite sounds because it means my hubby is home. Yay!


He forgot the happy meal. Good thing it's late. And I'm tired. And my happiness doesn't depend entirely on chicken nuggets.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Tara! Baby Jude is going to be GREAT!
